Introducing The New Committee Members

At the 47th Annual General Meeting for the London LeatherMen 4 new members were elected to the committee for the positions of membership officer, secretary, treasurer and webmaster.

In what I hope will become a regular practice for new committee members they have been invited to write a short introduction for us.

Membership Officer, Jack

I’m Jack, although many in the scene know me as Buster.
I’ve been involved in activism and community building in the LGBT+ community since I was a teenager, and I grew close to London Leathermen as I read the clubs history, heard the stories of its members, and developed a deep respect for the fellowship that the older members have built over decades.
I’m the membership officer of London Leathermen. I aim to help LLM to grow while maintaining the community and sense of fellowship of the club.

Secretary, James

Before joining the leather community here, I’d always been a bit antisocial. Not in a malicious way – just a little awkward, unsure of myself and uneasy in a crowd. That all changed when I was encouraged to try a night at the backstreet, and discovered the warmth of the London leather scene. The friendship and support I experienced over the subsequent years made me the man I am today, and I want to help pay that forward to the next generation of fledgling kinksters. I greatly look forward to serving the club as its Secretary, and providing logistical support to the rest of the committee.

Treasurer, Bob

Hi! I’m Bob, and I was elected treasurer of London Leathermen in October 2021. I live in Canterbury in Kent, but am regularly in London, and attend lots of London events including the London Leather Social at Compton’s every month without fail. During the Covid-19 pandemic I ran the social online via Zoom, and once the pubs reopened, started LeatherclubONLINE – a monthly online social event for the leather community around the world. Outside of the leather scene, I work in education, and in my spare time I sing with a semi-professional chamber choir.

Webmaster, Craig

Hi, I’m Craig. I have been a fixture of the London leather social as the on duty bootblack for the past 5 years. As a bootblack and leatherboy Duty and service are my watchwords. I have worked as a kink educator, doing both classes for the masterclass and hosting the kinkyboys podcast. As the new webmaster for the LLM I hope to build the club’s social media presence and keep up the good work of managing the club’s website.

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